No Time For Politics…

A senior human resource manager running down the hallway huffed, “I don’t have time for politics. If this is the way things work – I’m outta here.” 

Frustrated and upset, this manager had been passed over time and time again for a bigger role.

He watched his colleagues and counterparts–the more vocal and visible ones sail by… after 8 years in the same role, he had a different perspective on politics.

A career coach from the New York Times wrote, “Avoid politics – you can’t control it – and it’s a career limiting move.” Not very wise and nothing can be further from the truth.

Sadly, many view office politics as negative – there is a positive side of politics that needs to be embraced.   

Whether you’re in a small office or a large multinationals, politics exist. Learn the power networks, stay true to your values and embrace the positive side of politics – How?

If politics is not your favorite word, try using a different word – awareness, agility, or just plain savvy. 

Embrace and commit to using political savvy in an ethical and authentic way – stay true to your values.

Build a robust network of stakeholders and people of influence, and leverage this group to sell ideas or advance your career.

Learn how to speak up, talk about your accomplishments, and polish your elevator pitch.

By changing your perspective and reframing your thinking about politics, you learn the value of self – and team – promotion and staying connected with the broader community, and more importantly how both will dramatically improve opportunities to sell an idea, be recognized and advance your career or business.

And remember the wise words of one savvy leader, “ability without visibility is a disability“.